Legal Misconduct and Grievance

You may be aware of Legal Misconduct happening in the organisation and need to report such instances. This may include corruption, financial mismanagement etc. You may report this anonymously if you so wish, however this may hamper investigation and appropriate action without substantive proof.
If you are aggrieved by a person leading or attending a Be True 2 Me event or meetup, this may be escalated to the Exco team or director of a board. The intention here is if their is a clear violation of the code of conduct and not necessarily a difference of opinion.
The board resolves to action a formal complaint submitted in writing within a prescribed period of time as per South African law. In the event the grievance is not a legal matter but an internal code of conduct violation, the board resolves to conduct an investigation and may only be tabled at a formal board meeting. Formal board meetings will meet at least once a quarter (i.e. every 3 months). Feedback will be provided either publicly, within isolation (such as a specific location meetup) or individually. The Exco meet at least monthly and may handle the initial investigation.
A formal lodging of grievance may be made via the Be True 2 Me’s Website Contact Page. Be True 2 Me may elect to have a formal structured process in the future.