Updating Your South African Drivers Licence after Gender Marker Change

Once you have changed your gender marker, your Identity number has also changed changed. Your drivers licence will still be linked to your old Identity Number and will need to be updated before you can apply for a drivers licence renewal.
Once your gender marker is changed – your old identity number will be invalid on certain queries, requesting a drivers licence renewal is one of those. Which would mean even if you electronically book at the licence renewal center with your old Identity number they will be unable to provide you with a Temporary or Permanent Licence.
You will first need to perform a Merge Person request at the appropriate Traffic Department. There is no online booking for this, and will take at least 10 – 14 working days to register on the system, so you can book for a renewal on the online booking system.
You will Need
- 2 x Copies of New Identity Card (With Marker Change)
- 2 x Copies of Old Identity (Without Marker Change)
- 2 x Copies of Confirmation Letter of Gender/Identity Number
- 2 x Copies of Proof of Residence (such as utility account / Rental Agreement / Bank Account Statement)
- 2 ID Photographs for a temporary drivers licence.
Before Going
- Ensure that your Gender Marker has been changed correctly
- Need to have your confirmation letter from Home Affairs
Application Details
You will be applying for a 551 – Person Query & 5403 – Merge Person request.
This will allow the licencing department to Merge your old details into your new details without having you write a new Drivers Licence exam as a new road user.
Go to the traffic department and ask for the forms for a person merger request. Indicate that your Identity Number has changed (Important).
They will provide you with a NPC10 (Generic) Form where you will put your details.
You will then need to take that form to the counter that deals with Drivers and Licensing details. After explaining that you want to renew your drivers licence and that your Identity Number has changed they will probably request a Supervisor to instruct them what is required on their side.
They will ask for Proof of Identity (Both), Letter of Gender Marker Change and Proof of Residence. (Give Copies of each).
They may request you to go to a different area/room where they will request a person merger on your drivers licence details. Here you will will need to provide the second set of copies of your documents.
Ensure that you get a copy for your records of the request. They will provide you with a print out of the Task Request Certificate, which will contain copies of each document provided attached with computer printouts of the screens of each request. These will include Acceptable Identification Documents, Supporting Documentation, 551 Person Query, 5403 Merge Person Error Message, Letter from Department, NCP Change of Address and a Proof of Address Documents.
***This process has been submitted by a community member based on experience in December 2019. If you experience different process, please do let us know***